What is your Legal Status Under Hawaiian Kingdom law?

There are three (3) political and civil statuses assigned to People domiciled in the Hawaiian Islands at our office:
-KANAKA MAOLI: those born of the BLOOD of the native kanaka people.
-KANAKA HAWAII: those born of the SOIL of these Hawaiian Islands, even if they are not of the Blood.
-HAOLE: those born abroad of foreign parents and complete the Hawaiian Islands Naturalization process

**NIFN is an interim legal political term used for foreigners traveling in a country. It stands for Non-Immigrant Foreign National. Once the Hawaiian Islands Naturalization process is available to those aliens living in these Hawaiian Islands their status will become termed as: Haole.

These are based on>>>Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, 1846 Vol. 1, Chapter V, Article II, Section III, which is written as follows and has NOT CHANGED since:

"All persons born within the jurisdiction of this kingdom, whether of alien foreigners, of naturalized or of native parents, all persons born abroad of a parent native of this kingdom, and afterwards coming to reside in this, shall be deemed to owe native allegiance to His Majesty. All such persons shall be amenable to the laws of this kingdom as native subjects. All persons born abroad of foreign parents, shall, unless duly naturalized, as in this article prescribed, be deemed aliens, and treated as such, pursuant to the laws."

Mahalo for your attention to these important matters of State,
Attorney General Office Staff